Monday, January 5, 2015

Quotes I find interesting

"Buildings are often born of images and live on in images" -Kostof

"How can we create spaces for those who will interpret them differently?"

"I flew on a plane from Romania to my Family. A plane made my life better. I am adopted." - 6yr old girl

"My parents are Urban Ore" -Hannah Bowers

"We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children" -Civic Center Fountain

"Putting my foot in the door, not in my mouth"

"Drive Hammered, Get nailed." -Seattle PD PSA

"I don't lie, I just have a different opinion of what the truth is"

"Sometimes everyones got sheep and no one wants sheep and you're like, what the f*** am I going to do with all these sheep?" Amanda on 'Settlers of Catan'

"Does Todd have more than one photo posted there?  Do you know his mom's name?  What it Todd doing now?  His dad told me he went to Boises (sp?) University, where he studied Business Administration.  What else do you know about him?"  My Mom (Unabridged)

"I have a Korean student named 'Dong Suk.' It took me three weeks to say his name with a straight face" - Vietnam Couch surf host Cassandra

"If we coordinate our efforts, we can make something beautiful, and maintain it not as a sense of chore, but as an act of pride."

"All things saved are all things lost"

"The parties are advised to chill" Judge's ruling between Aqua(band) and Mattel over the "Barbie Girl" song

"my friend is enough of an ass that his guitar song was about your screen name [muffinwedge]" -Diane

"Burning Man dust is like converse in the rain"

"Why don't you come on over to play some poker? Maybe we'll get lucky; I'll get a straight and you'll get a full house."

"Women. Can't sleep with 'em, Can't sleep without 'em"

"What am I going to do, cry? I already tried that and it didn't get me anywhere. All I can do is smile."

"I may be a clam, but the world is my oyster"
or better, "The world is my oyster, but sometime I feel like a clam"

"I don't dance to impress, just express"

"I think there are some who work so they can play, but I think they should be one in the same."

"I have too many friends who fall into work they don't enjoy so that they can pay the bills, but I think theres work out there to suit everyone's interests, and if we all found it, we'd all stopped calling it "work" with its negative connotation and start calling it "life"

I'm crazy for you, but I may be too crazy for you.

"I know you like a book, ya little tramp. You’d sell your own mother for a piece of fudge. But you’re smart with it. Smart enough to know when to sell and when to sit tight. You’ve got a great big dollar sign there where most women have a heart." Kubrick's "The Killing"

"Teamwork makes the dreamwork" Alyssa

"Coffee is crack for people who have a future." -Emily

"Now get out there and find all the things you Fucking Love, and vice versa." - FERRETT STEINMETZ

"Whiskey business leads to whiskey behavior"

"Too often, people choose career paths out of fear disguised as practicality. You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance at what you love." -Jim Carrey

"Sometimes you only make it to the clouds when reaching for the stars." Rich Black

"I don't have dreams; I have plans" - Swiss Karin in Medellin