Thursday, March 6, 2014

Travel 2014 - Thailand

Determined to celebrate New Years out of the country, on December 31st at 11:45pm, Emily and I arrived at the Bangkok airport. We stepped out into the clammy night air, just past midnight to begin the new year with a 6 month trip through Asia, picking up where I left off 4 years ago.

On this trip, Emily and I will be heading down Thailand's peninsula to Malaysia and then I will continue on to Sri Lanka, India and Nepal. Or, at least thats the plan...of which there isn't really a plan, which is the best type of plan you could plan for.

After spending the first week running errands in Bangkok and tying up loose business back home, (of which people are still helping me resolve, Thank You!) we set off to a little visited and sleepy island to begin our shift over to travel mode. Attached are photos from some of the highlights. Enjoy!

Travel 2014 - Week One - Bangkok, Koh Change - Emily and Mark