Thursday, March 6, 2014

Travel 2014 - Tonsai Beach, Thailand - Part 1

After Emily and I relaxed on the calm, quite and remote island of Kho Chang, off the west coast of Thailand's southern Peninsula, it was time to get in some serious activity and work off all the pad Thai we've been eating.

Thailand is rich in limestone karsts, a result of natural forming acid that chews away at the rock, leaving a heavily pockmarked surface and textured ribs. As a result, Thailand has become one of the primer destinations that the worlds best climbs flock to.

Emily and I headed southward to Tonsai Beach where the atmosphere was chill, and everyone's mind was on one thing - the delicious plethora of rock on the surrounding beaches. Each day, we hit the walls early straight through to sunset. In the evening, we compared notes with other climbs and shared exciting stories of the days adventure.

Travel 2014 - Week 2 - Tonsai Beach, Thailand